Author: Nell Panero

Teaching Model Takes Strategic Approach to Identifying the Skills Students Missed (Education Dive, April 2019)


Andy Lee thought he was helping some of his struggling students learn how to write an argumentative essay by breaking the task into smaller pieces, such as focusing first on the skill of paraphrasing. After all, Strategic Inquiry — the method the English department chair and lesson design coach at Savanna High School in Anaheim, California, is …

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A Strategy that’s Working in New York School Turnaround (Gotham Gazette, January 2019)


For decades, decisions about education policy in New York have been filtered through state and local conflicts. Indeed, politics often dominates, divides, and obscures the conversation, causing many to lose sight of the most fundamental question for anyone who cares about education reform: how do students learn? In looking for an answer, we found a …

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Columbia University Study Shows Program Helped Troubled Schools (Daily News, December 2018)


A program to aid troubled city high school students helped more kids get on track to graduate, Columbia University researchers found.  A study to be published by Columbia’s Teachers College Tuesday shows that students in schools that adopted the Strategic Inquiry program – which helped educators to target struggling kids and get them help – …

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Strategic Inquiry: An Education Reform That Worked (Daily Kos, December 2018)


In 2014 newly elected Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that instead of closing “troubled schools” and simply reshuffling the deck, New York City would invest in a “Renewal” program to turn the schools around and benefit their students. Ninety-four schools were enlisted based on low four-year graduation rates and poor test scores for middle and elementary schools. Renewal …

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Strategic Inquiry and New York City’s Renewal High Schools – Final Evaluation Report (Columbia University, November 2018)


The following study of Strategic Inquiry (SI) in New York City’s Renewal High Schools offers a new answer to the perennial question that often dominates and divides reformers: How do students learn? Our analysis also challenges conventional wisdom about New York City’s Renewal program by suggesting there are successful components worth pursuing and adopting elsewhere. …

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Why Teaching English through Content is Critical for ELLs (Mind/Shift, May 2018)


Teaching grade-level content to students who have just arrived in the United States and whose English skills are limited is a difficult task. High school-level content specialists especially have little training on how to integrate language acquisition into their content. Often teachers deal with that by either dumbing down the curriculum to make it linguistically simpler …

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Doing Things the Write Way (UFT, January 2016)


On a recent morning at Flushing HS, Demetra Fasolakis’ 10th- and 11th-grade English students — all English language learners with rudimentary English — are discussing the relationship between the poet and novelist Rainer Maria Rilke and a military officer, Franz Kappus, who wrote him letters asking for advice. They read aloud and annotate a paragraph …

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Low-inference Transcripts in Peer Coaching: A Promising Tool for School Improvement (International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 2014)


The Scaffolded Apprenticeship Model (SAM) is a team-based school improvement and leadership development program in which participants earn graduate-level credits and school leadership certification[1].  One key component of the SAM program is peer coaching, where SAM participants, or “coaches,” partner with colleagues, or “peers,” in their schools to examine the peers’ instructional practice. In SAM, the term “peer coaching” is used …

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Collaborative Inquiry to Expand Student Success in New York City Schools (Harvard Education Press, 2014)

    Books & book chapters

Developing school capacity to continuously improve student achievement is essential to the success of New York City’s strategy to empower schools and hold them accountable for results.  The Inquiry initiative is the New York City Department of Education (DOE’s) approach to developing this capacity.  Its goal is to develop school administrators’ and teachers’ skills in …

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SAM: Leadership for School Reform (Leadership in Focus, 2014)

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